Contact Information

Contact Information

Friday, August 12, 2011


Please take a few minutes to read the following information:
Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome back to a new school year! It is my pleasure to have your son/daughter in my Introduction to Culinary Arts class.  I anticipate a very busy and productive school year.

Please take a few minutes to review the attached course syllabus and classroom rules/expectations with your son/daughter.

I look forward to working with you and your child this school year. Remember that I am readily available to assist your child. If there are any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me before or after school or through email. 

Respectfully yours,

Althea Cofer
 Ms. Cofer's Rules & Expectations 2011~2012

1. Be seated, quiet and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings. Tardiness is unacceptable!!
2. Excessive talking and disruptions will lead to a consequence. Student Handbook pg. 27
3. Come to class prepared with pencil, pen, notebook paper, and 3-prong folder/binder.
4. Respect yourself, your classmates and your teacher. Disrespect is unacceptable.
5. Please remain in your assigned seat unless given permission to move.
6. Cell phones, IPods or any electronic devices are NOT PERMITTED during class time. (Please see student handbook pg.26-27)
7.  There will be no sleeping or head on desk during class time.
8. Participate in class discussions and complete all assignments for the day.
9. Profanity is not an acceptable language!! (Refer back to #4) Student Handbook p.31
10.  Your teacher will dismiss class rather than the bell. NO lining up at the door.
11. Food and drinks are not permitted in class!! No eating or drinking in class!! Refrigerators are NOT for student use!!        (No acceptations)
12.  Bullying of any kind or name calling is not permitted!! (Please see student handbook)

* Due to the nature of this class, all students are expected to act appropriately at all times*

Introduction to Culinary Arts Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. A. Cofer

Course Description: Introduction to Culinary Arts is a course designed to introduce students to fundamental food preparation terms, concepts in Culinary Arts. Laboratory practice will parallel class work. Fundamental techniques skills and terminology are covered and mastered with an emphasis on basic kitchen and dining room safety, sanitation, equipment maintenance and operation procedures. Course also provides an overview of the professionalism in the culinary industry and career opportunities leading into a career pathway to Culinary Arts.

Course Length: Year long, 90 minute block

Textbook(s): ProStart~ Becoming a Foodservice Professional, NRA
                     Introduction to Culinary, CIA
                     Culinary Essentials, NRA

Mandatory Classroom Supplies: 3~prong folder/binder, notebook paper, pen or pencil

Instructional Philosophy:
o   Students will demonstrate an understanding of conscientious behavior and acceptable work ethics.
o   Students will collaborate, communicate and work with other students.
o   Students will recognize careers and job skills associated with the food and nutrition industry.

Attendance requirements/Absences: Students are required to attend class every day.
  Students who are absent will be permitted to make up work according to the make-up POLICY in the STUDENT HANDBOOK [PG. 15]. Work completed in OSS or ISS is due upon returning to class (no excuses).

Tardy policy: Students should be seated at the sound of the bell. Students entering class after the bell without an excused pass ARE considered tardy. The tardy policy is listed in the student handbook pg. 15-16.

Grading Scale:

Class work                                     25%
Unit Tests                                        20%
Project(s)/Cooking Labs           30%
Midterm                                           5%
Final                       20% (10% performance exam)
                                         (10% written exam)

     Total                                          100%

Ø  This teacher does not GIVE grades; the student EARNS his/her grade. Students and parents can view academic progress through pinnacle. Pinnacle information is in the student handbook pg. 9.


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