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Sunday, November 16, 2014

FL Agenda Week of November 17-21, 2014

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the common eating disorders and their risks?

 Monday, November 17, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):  YouTube clip:

 1. Review Essential Questions.  Students will complete worksheet:  Thoughts about Eating. P225 [Evaluate their feelings about eating and weight]

2. View PowerPoint Slides 12-15
Discuss slides with students emphasizing each eating disorder and the warning signs
It is important to discuss with students the severity of the topic at hand. Students should be reminded that they should not “diagnose” their friends or other students. Instead, they should share their concern with a teacher or the counselor.
Students should understand that eating disorders are a serious topic with today’s teens and young adults. Eating disorders are not easy to treat, as you have to treat the issue that caused the disorder (poor self esteem, abuse, emotional issues, etc.). Students should also be reminded that while eating disorders might be controlled in an individual, the damage caused to the body during the disorder may be irreversible (heart damage, oral damage, digestive damage, etc).
3. View NOVA Video
The NOVA video “Dying to be Thin” can be purchased in most FACS catalogs and online video stores. It can also be viewed by streaming it from NOVA’s website at:
o The website also provides additional information that can be used for the lesson if time allows
•      This video gives an excellent overview and several firsthand accounts of eating disorders. It discusses  the reasons behind the disorders, how they are treated and the damage they can do to the body.

 4.Independent Reading: Choices Article-Driven to be Thin. Students will complete Magazine Report Form ( purpose, summary, opinion)

5. Students will work on Worksheet Activity 2A [T/F] and Activity 7A Word Jumble

List one thing that surprised you about adolescents and eating disorders.

Daily Homework:NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the common eating disorders and their risks?

 Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

Work Session: Class meeting about Free Cook { parameters etc}
1. Complete work from Monday, 11-17-14
 2. Web Lesson: Eating Disorders {Students will use the internet to answer formatted questions}


Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the common eating disorders and their risks?

 Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

Work Session: Q&A about free cook lab
 Students will watch documentary:  TBD


Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the common eating disorders and their risks?

 Thursday, November 20, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

Work Session: Guest Speaker Le Cordon Bleu

Closing/Summarizer: Guest Speaker Worksheet

Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the common eating disorders and their risks?

 Friday, November 21, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): NONE

Work Session: Free Cook Lab: Students will cook preapproved meals to share with classmates.

Closing/Summarizer: NONE

Daily Homework: NONE

FNW Agenda: Week of November 17-21, 2014

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What food sources contain each nutrient?
 Monday, November 17, 2014

Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Incomplete Protein. Read the prompt and complete the student activity.

Work Session:  Nutrient Web Lesson 2 
Check and discuss handout: Little Red Vitamin Hood
Show the Vitamins & Minerals PowerPoint.

2. Hand out the Vitamins & Minerals Worksheet and have students complete. Use the Vitamins & Minerals Worksheet Answer Key to grade.

3. Complete Chapter 7 questions 2-6 *write the questions*


Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the functions of carbohydrates?

 Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Carbohydrates. Student will read the prompt and complete the student activity.

Work Session:
. Introduce the lesson by showing the following video clip: (20 Minutes)

. Rice Lab:
Before starting the lab, to give students a greater understanding of rice, have students complete the Rice Web Quest Worksheet.
For the lab the teacher should purchase one different type of rice for each table and have them follow the directions for cooking it on the package. 
Compare rice by taste, texture, ease of preparation and time to prepare. 
Purchase whole grain rice, brown rice, basmati, jasmine rice, Arborio, Wehani, etc. and assign each group a different type. 
Use paper plates and draw “pie” sections according to the number of products students prepare. Assign a number to each product as they are set up “buffet” style. 
When all the rice is ready, students will take a sample of each and record their results on the Rice Lab Chart Worksheet.

 Chapter 7 questions 2-6 *write the questions*

Closing/Summarizer:Rice Lab Chart Worksheet

Daily Homework: none

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What food sources contain each nutrient?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

Work Session: Complete assignments from Tuesday, November 18, 2013
Chapter 7 questions 2-6 *write the questions*

Closing/Summarizer: none

Daily Homework: none

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What food sources contain each nutrient?
: Thursday, November 20, 2014

Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):  List one thing that surprised you about nutrients and food.

Work Session:

Activity: Nutrient Relays- Students will work in groups of 3 or 4 to complete a nutrient crossword.

Prep for the food lab:
-Planning Sheet

Closing/Summarizer: NONE

Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What food sources contain each nutrient?

 Friday, November 21, 2014

Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Aprons, prep for lab

Work Session:  Food Lab: Chicken Ramen Stir Fry

Not in the food lab:
To gain a more in-depth knowledge of carbohydrates, have students complete the Carbohydrates Web Quest Worksheet.

Closing/Summarizer: Lab Planning Sheet

Daily Homework: NONE

Sunday, November 2, 2014

FNW Agenda Week of November 3, 2014


 HUM-FL-7 Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for children in the different stages of childhood.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do you identify a child at nutritional risk and what are problems in the diet that may contribute to this?

Work Session:
 LESSON 3:  Nutritional Risk

1.         Show slides 12-14 of the Childhood Nutrition PowerPoint
•           Discuss with students the information in the slides.

2.         Students should understand what foods provide children with protein, energy, vitamin A, iron, and zinc (most of these are meats and vegetables; both which children do not want to eat, or are picky eaters).
•           This is most likely why deficiencies are seen in these areas. Students must also remember that these foods are more expensive than high sugar/high fat foods, so these deficiencies are also seen in low socio-economic homes.
3.         Discuss with students the family dynamics that might allow for a child to be at nutritional risk.

4.         Summary:
•           Help students to understand that most children will go through a food jag, and they will eventually become disinterested with the food. However, students should know that it is not healthy for the child to completely “live” off of that one particular food and that new foods should constantly be introduced.

5.         Have students study their Childhood Nutrition Study Guide. After allowing students time to study, administer the Childhood Nutrition Quiz.

6. Students will prep on Breakfat Food Lab: Waffle, Eggs, Bacon,
-planning sheet
-setting up kitchens

Closing/SummarizerAsk students, “Why do you think it is important to eat healthy on a regular basis?”

Daily Homework:none

11-4-14 NO School Election Day 2014


Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Aprons, Hand washing, getting ingredients

Work Session: 1. Food Lab
Healthy Pregnancy & Adolescence Menu
Trail Mix-Banana Muffins
Bacon (Pork or Turkey)

Closing/Summarizer: Lab Planning sheet

Daily Homework:none


Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

 Essential Questions: What are the causes of increased nutritional risk in adolescents?

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Discuss standard.

 2.        Review Essential Questions. Post essential questions in the classroom.
3.         Identify and review the unit vocabulary using World Splash.
Adolescence   Growth Spurt   Electrolyte
Fad Diet           The Atkin’s Diet            The Pritikin Principle
The Zone Diet   The South Beach Diet  Jenny Craig
Nutrisystem       Weight Watchers          Eating Disorder
Binge Eating    Anorexia          Bulimia

4.         Adolescent Nutrition 
•          Review slides 2-5 of the Adolescent Nutrition PowerPoint with students
•          Tell students that all nutrients are important during adolescence; however, iron and calcium are two nutrients that become extremely important during this time.
•          Tell students that this is a time of puberty changes and body composition changes.
•          Have students complete Fill in the Blank Notes Handout during presentation.

5.         Healthy Snacks
•          Bring in examples of snacks listed on slide 6 for students to try
•          Lead discussion about the snacks

Closing/Summarizer:  Ask students, “Why do you think it is important to eat healthy on a regular basis?”

Daily Homework:none



Standards: HUM-FL-8
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: •   How do certain nutrients play roles in healthy physical activity?

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):
Students will answer 3 test questions. (#39,32, 36)

Work Session


1.   Review Essential Questions. Post essential questions in the classroom.
•    How do certain nutrients play roles in healthy physical activity?

2.   Adolescent Nutrition Part 2
•    Review slides 7-9 of the Adolescent Nutrition PowerPoint with students, stressing the issue of supplements
3.   Steroids
•    Many students do not understand the dangers of steroids.
•    Visit the website
o   Differentiate between steroids (what your body makes) and anabolic steroids (drugs that resemble the body’s steroids).
o   Review health and legal consequences of taking steroids.

4. Editorial Assignment
•    A topic that often surfaces with athletes is legalizing steroid use. Have students write an editorial sports opinion on the topic of “For or Against” legalizing steroids for athletes.
•    Students will need to provide details and information to support their opinion.

Closing/Summarizer: NONE

Daily Homework: Editorial Assignment (Due Monday, November 10, 2014)

FL Resource:Top Ten Obesity Causing Foods -- Psychetruth Nutrition & Weight Loss

Food Science: Video Questions

Label your paper 

Truth About Carbohydrates & Sugar Video

1. List and define the four basic sugars. Give at least one food source.
2. What is a complex carbohydrate?
3. List two main sources of starch.
4.  List three high starch foods.
5. True or False                Fructose can be used immediately by our cells.
6. Glucose is absorbed in the __________________.
7. What surprised you about the Glycemic Index?
8.Starches are ________________.
9. Eat more ________________________________.
10.How did Coca Cola get its name?

Food Science:Truth About Carbohydrates & Sugar | Nutrition, Weight Loss, Glycemic Ind...

FNW Agenda: Week of Monday,November 3, 2014

Standards:  HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:           What is Nutrition?

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):  Bellwork: 3 questions about nutrition and nutrients

Work Session:  1. Students will unpack different parts of  the new standard, teacher will discuss new EQ, introduce the new chapter, student volunteers will read key concepts, main idea and vocabulary(content & academic).

2. Students will complete” Nutrient” graphic organizer to list the six categories of nutrients.

3. Students will complete: WB pg. 51-Content and Academic Vocabulary (ELA): students will predict what the word means in the first column and write the text’s definition in the second column.

4.Introduce the lesson by showing students the Essential Nutrients PowerPoint. This will cover the following 6 major classes of essential nutrients:
•           Water -The most essential nutrient for all body functions
•           Carbohydrates - energy foods
•           Fats - concentrated energy foods
•           Proteins - body builder foods
•           Vitamins – body regulators
•           Minerals –body regulators

5.         Have students complete the Foods with Essential Nutrients Worksheet.


Daily Homework:none

11-4-14:  NO SCHOOL/Election Day 2014

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork [p.36] Day 1- Nutrients: Student will read the prompt and answer the student activity.

Work Session: 1. Writing Activity [p.94]: Students will write a paragraph-Eat Nourishing Meals for Good Health. Students will write a paragraph that describes a healthful meal they would like to eat and explain why it is healthful. Writing tips are provided. * Share responses*

2. Complete Direct Instruction from Monday 11/3/14 Review with students (refer back to the Essential Nutrients PowerPoint, if necessary). A nutrient is a chemical found in foods that are critical to human growth and function. Our bodies use nutrients for energy and to support growth, maintenance and repair of tissues.

Show the Water PowerPoint.

4.         Hand out and have students complete the Water Worksheet
 5. DVD: Nutrition: Water section..

Closing/Summarizer: List one thing that surprised you about water.

Daily Homework: none


Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION:           What is the importance of water for the body?

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork: Is it necessary for an individual to drink 6-8 cups of water daily or more if participating in sports or exercising?

Work Session: It is necessary for an individual to drink 6-8 cups of water daily and more if participating in sports or exercising. Water is the most critical nutrient for sustaining life. Two-thirds of the human body is water.

3.         Show the Water PowerPoint.

4.         Hand out and have students complete the Water Worksheet
 5. DVD: Nutrition: Water section..

  • Prep for the Breakfast Food Lab (Rules of the kitchen)
  • Recipes
  • Lab Planning Sheets

6. Students will receive a water article to read and complete a magazine report form: authors purpose, summarize reading, state opinion of the article.
Students will share magazine report form results.


Daily Homework: none

Standards: HUM-FNW-4
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is importance of water to the body?

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Prep for lab: aprons, wash hands, get ingredients

Work Session: 1. Students will work in Food Lab: Breakfast Lab
-French Toast
-Scrambled Eggs
-Bacon (Pork & Turkey)

Students not in food lab:
Chapter 7 worksheet packets.

Closing/SummarizerLab Planning Sheet

Daily Homework: none

Sunday, October 19, 2014

FDA Asked to Ban Certain Chemicals Used in Pizza Boxes, Other Packaging

Nine consumer and environmental health groups petitioned the Food and Drug Administration this week seeking a ban on the use of certain chemicals in food packaging.
The petitions target perchlorate, which is added to sealing gaskets for food containers and to reduce static in dry food packaging, and a family of chemicals known as long-chain perfluorocarboxylates (PFCs) that keep grease out of paper and paperboard, such as pizza boxes and sandwich wrappers.
These chemicals have the potential to harm fetal development, male reproductive systems, pre- and post-natal brain development and cause cancer, stated the petition signatories. They are the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Breast Cancer Fund, Center for Environmental Health, Center for Food Safety, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Children’s Environmental Health Network, Clean Water Action, Environmental Working Group, and Improving Kids’ Environment.
The perchlorate petition stemmed, in part, from data NRDC received from a Freedom of Information Act request for scientific assessments FDA used to grant approval for the chemical’s use in 2005. The groups argue that the agency’s data were flawed.
The petitioners cited an FDA study from 2008 which found that 59 percent of more than 1,000 food samples had detectable levels of perchlorate and that children younger than six had the greatest average exposure.
They also emphasized that the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board believes that infants are likely to be disproportionately impacted by perchlorate because their brains are still developing.
FDA had previously asked three companies to stop using certain PFCs in their food packaging. The companies agreed, but the chemicals can still be used in products made overseas and shipped back to the U.S.
In the petition, the groups said they found at least 10 animal studies published between 2009 and 2014 that supported FDA’s toxicology conclusions that there are “significant gaps” in our knowledge about the safety of PFCs.
© Food Safety News

FNW: Food Safety

Seven Salmonella Cases Confirmed After North Carolina Church Conference

Officials with the Gaston County Department of Health & Human Services in Gastonia, NC, announced Tuesday that they are investigating reports of Salmonellosis associated with a church conference at Living Word Tabernacle Church in Bessemer City, NC.
As of Tuesday afternoon, health officials said there were seven confirmed cases, with a significant number of lab results pending and more samples being collected. Two individuals had reportedly been hospitalized in connection with the outbreak.
The officials reported that at least 50 attendees at the conference, which ran from Oct. 1-5, have reported symptoms of Salmonella infection, including diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever.
County officials are currently identifying and interviewing symptomatic people who attended the conference, which apparently served food provided by four vendors and also dishes brought by church members.
Anyone who attended this conference and started having diarrhea within one week of the conference is being asked to call (704) 853-5214. Those who call after working hours or on the weekend should leave a message and staff members will return the call.
Those sickened are being encouraged to make sure they are staying hydrated and to seek medical care from their private doctor, urgent care or hospital emergency room if their diarrhea and/or vomiting symptoms don’t improve.
“Our public health staff is working closely with the church, the North Carolina Division of Public Health, and the community,” said Chris Dobbins, health department director. “Our priority is to identify those who have fallen ill, ensure they have received proper medical attention, and work together to identify a source so we can educate and prevent future outbreaks of this nature.”
Salmonella bacteria are often found in uncooked or undercooked meat, milk, eggs, or on surfaces that may have come into contact with fecal matter. Salmonellosis (the infection caused by Salmonella bacteria) often results in severe diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. While anyone can become infected, those at greatest risk are infants, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems.
Symptoms usually appear within six to 72 hours after infection, and the illness usually lasts four to seven days. Most people recover without treatment, although, in some people, diarrhea may be so severe that hospitalization is needed.
© Food Safety News

FNW: "Kitchen for Trouble"

FNW Agenda Week of October 20th...

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are  some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?

 Monday, October 20, 2014 

Standards: HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation procedures from production to consumption.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Prep for the test.

Work Session:1. Students will take Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5 Food Safety & Sanitation- Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety

2. After the test students will work on Kitchen Equipment Worksheet and Small Electrical Appliance worksheet. {Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment}
3. Kitchen Equipment Crossword

Closing/Summarizer: List one thing that surprised you about Food Safety & Sanitation

Daily Homework: none

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are  some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?

 Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Standards:a. Define and demonstrate the use of measuring tools, including liquid and dry cups, measuring spoons, scales, and balances.
b. Define and demonstrate types of knives including Chef/French, paring, bread, boning, and slicer. Practice care and safety while using all knives

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

 Activator: Equipping a kitchen. Students will imagine they are moving into their own apartment and must develop a  list of kitchen appliances and equipment they will need. Students will share responses.

Work Session: Check and discuss Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment worksheets.
2.  Students will work on Kitchen Utensil Crosswords handout
3. Chapter 19 handout: The Right Tool for the Job

Closing/Summarizer: 3-2-1 Equipping the Kitchen

Daily Homework: none

Food for LIfe: What to Eat During Pregnancy: Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Food for LIfe Agenda: Week of October 20th

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?

 Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-5
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): :   Ask students to write about how they were fed as infants.
If they have siblings/nieces/cousins younger than them, ask if they remember how they were fed.
Ask students if they have ever fed an infant?  Open questions for class discussion and encourage students to share their journal entries with class.

Work Session:
1. Students will take open notes pre-natal issues quiz.
2 Whole group will discuss new standard and expectations. Introduce new section p. 266-267.
3  Teacher will show CTAERN ppt. Newborn Nutrition Powerpoint…Whole class will take notes and discuss
4. Discuss the varied methods of feeding infants and the methods advantages and disadvantages for the infant and the mother. Show the Newborn Feeding PowerPoint.
Students will take notes.

5. Feeding an Infant, Activity C, WB. Students will complete statements about feeding schedules for infants. They will also
rank a list of foods in the order they are introduced to an infant’s diet. Finally, students will complete sentences about tips for feeding infants.

Closing/Summarizer: List one new  thing you learned about Newborn Feeding.

Daily Homework:

•ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?

  Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-5
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Ask students to write how they plan to feed their infants if they plan to have children in the future.  Ask them to write why they have chosen this method of infant feeding.

Work Session
. Administer the Newborn Nutrition Quiz, grade using Newborn Nutrition Quiz Answer Key.
 3. Lab Exercise:
Set up a display showing the different paraphernalia used to feed infants.
Review varied forms of infant feeding paraphernalia and varied forms of infant formula.  
Show students baby bottles with various shaped nipples and bottle shapes, infant feeding cups(s), breast pump(s), nursing supplementer(s), bag(s) used to hold/store breast milk.
Pass around class and discuss how the equipment is designed to meet the infant’s or mother’s needs. Set up varied types of infant formula.
Discuss the reason for varied types of infant formula. Allow students to taste the varied kinds of formula.

Students will complete Chapter 11 handout: Breast milk Versus Formula- complete the chart by listing their opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of breast – feeding and bottle-feeding. We will discuss the nutritional, social, and emotional factors related to the decision to breast or bottle feed.
-Teacher  will show CTAE Infant feeding powerpoint.  (Advantages /Disadvantages Breast feeding & Bottle feeding)

Closing/Summarizer: Have students complete the Newborn Nutrition Lab Worksheet.

Daily Homework: NONE

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?

  Thursday, October 23, 2014

Standards: HUM-FL-5
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one):

Work Session:

1.Students will work on Chapter 11 Review Questions p. 1-14 , Critical thinking #16 *write the questions*

2. Students will work on Chapter 11 crossword puzzle. Use textbook to locate the answers

Closing/Summarizer:   NONE

Daily Homework: none

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Standard: HUM-FL-5
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life.

Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Students will write two true/false questions from the section “Food for Infants”. Questions will be used as a closer/future bellwork.

Work Session: Food Lab:

 Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women-
-Trail Mix

  2 Whole group will discuss Nutrition Lab Worksheet.

Teacher will show YouTube video: Advantages/Disadvantages of Breastfeeding.

3.Students will complete Chapter 11 handout: Breast milk Versus Formula- complete the chart by listing their opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of breast – feeding and bottle-feeding. We will discuss the nutritional, social, and emotional factors related to the decision to breast or bottle feed.
-Teacher will show CTAE Infant feeding PowerPoint.  (Advantages /Disadvantages Breast feeding & Bottle feeding)

 3.Administer the Newborn Nutrition Quiz, grade using Newborn Nutrition Quiz Answer Key.

  4. Infant feeding discussion: Activity C WB handout

5. Complete Chapter 11 Review Learning questions

Closing/Summarizer:  NONE

Daily Homework: Pass out the Breastfeeding Persuasive Essay Handout. Topic: Breastfeeding is better for the mother and infant than bottle feeding.
-Bottle feeding is better for the mother and infant than breast feeding.
Students will be provided with needed element rubric and Persuasion Plan Outline.  Worth 100 points.
Due Monday, October 27, 2014

CCSD Reopening Plan: