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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Food, Nutrition & Wellness Agenda Week of 11.18.19

Day 1: Monday
Day 2: Tuesday
Day 3: Wednesday
Day 4: Thursday
Day 5: Friday
Warm Up:
Protein: Students will read the prompt and complete student activity.
Warm Up:

What are the five food groups?
Warm Up:

What do the Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide? ( advice to help people live longer)

Warm Up:

Warm Up:

HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question:
What is the purpose of the DGA?

HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question:
What is the purpose of the DGA?
HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question:
What are the five food groups?
HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.

Essential Question:

What are the five food groups

HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question:
What are the five food groups
Chapter 8 Dietary Guidelines

1.Check Chapter 8 assignments

2. DGA Web Lesson
 Chapter 9 MyPyramid (MyPlate)
 1. Chapter 9 Graphic Organizer List two favorite foods per each food group.
2. Chapter 9 handout p. 63 & 65
study skills and vocabulary)

3. Chapter 9 discussion questions [use the textbook]
Chapter 9 MyPyramid (MyPlate)

 Plan Food Lab

Myplate assignments.

Chapter 9 MyPyramid (MyPlate)

Food Lab:

Chicken Ramen Stir-fry
Frozen Yogurt w/strawberries

Students not in food lab will work on missing assignments OR alternate assignment to bring grade up
Common Assessment

Food Label assignments


Class work Bellwork(s)/TOTD(s) Q&A during class

Unit 4 Test

Class work Bellwork(s)/TOTD(s) Q&A during class

 Unit 4 Test

Class work Bellwork(s)/TOTD(s) Q&A during class

 Unit 4 Test

Class work Bellwork(s)/TOTD(s) Q&A during class

 Unit 4 Test

Class work Bellwork(s)/TOTD(s) Q&A during class
Unit 4 Test

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