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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

FNW Week of January 11-15, 2016


Subject: Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Topic:Career Exploration

Curriculum standard(s): HUM-FNW-11 Research careers related to food, nutrition and wellness.
 11.1 Identify foods and nutrition careers in the government, business, media, educational, and healthcare sectors and list the educational requirements for those identified.
11.2 Examine the job market at a local, state and regional level.
.11.3 Analyze how studying foods and nutrition now can benefit one in the future.

Essential Question(s): 
What types of careers are there in food and nutrition?
Why should I investigate a career in foods and nutrition?
How can this type of career benefit the future of society?

Opening:   Bellwork: Career. Students will read the prompt and complete the student activity.

Work Sessions:
1. Students will unpack the standards (check answers). EQ
2. Discuss Bellwork (student activity)
3. Direct Instruction: Teacher will explain reasoning for career unit in FNW and responses to bellwork.
4. Activity: Career Vocabulary Words. Students will work with a partner to unscramble and identify words. Correct answers will be transferred to student’s paper.

Closing:Use three of the vocabulary words in a sentence.


Essential Question(s): 
What types of careers are there in food and nutrition?
Why should I investigate a career in foods and nutrition?
How can this type of career benefit the future of society?

Opening:   Bellwork: Career. Students will read the prompt and complete the student activity.

Work Sessions:
1. Students will unpack the standards (check answers). EQ
2. Discuss Bellwork (student activity)
3. Direct Instruction: Teacher will explain reasoning for career unit in FNW and responses to bellwork.
4. Activity: Career Vocabulary Words. Students will work with a partner to unscramble and identify words. Correct answers will be transferred to student’s paper.

Closing:Use three of the vocabulary words in a sentence.


Subject:Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Topic: Career Exploration

Curriculum standard(s): HUM-FNW-11 Research careers related to food, nutrition and wellness.
 11.1 Identify foods and nutrition careers in the government, business, media, educational, and healthcare sectors and list the educational requirements for those identified.
11.2 Examine the job market at a local, state and regional level.
.11.3 Analyze how studying foods and nutrition now can benefit one in the future.

Essential Question(s):
What types of careers are there in food and nutrition?
Why should I investigate a career in foods and nutrition?
How can this type of career benefit the future of society?

Opening: Bellwork: Entrepreneur [p.65]. Students will read the prompt and complete the student activity.

Work Sessions:
 Media Center Students will work with partner in the media center on their research projects. Students will research a food and nutrition related career. They will put together a media/technology and print (brochure/newsletter) presentation.
Students will be provided with guided questions and presentation rubric.

Closing:List one thing that surprised you about your career.

Subject:Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Topic:Career Exploration

Curriculum standard(s): HUM-FNW-11 Research careers related to food, nutrition and wellness.
 11.1 Identify foods and nutrition careers in the government, business, media, educational, and healthcare sectors and list the educational requirements for those identified.
11.2 Examine the job market at a local, state and regional level.
.11.3 Analyze how studying foods and nutrition now can benefit one in the future.

Essential Question(s):
What types of careers are there in food and nutrition?
Why should I investigate a career in foods and nutrition?
How can this type of career benefit the future of society?

Bellwork: Franchise (4) p.65. Students will read the prompt and complete the
student activity

Work Sessions:
Media Center.Students will work with partner in the media center on their research projects. Students will research a food and nutrition related career. They will put together a media/technology and print (brochure/newsletter) presentation.
Students will be provided with guided questions and presentation rubric.

Subject:Food, Nutrition & Wellness

Topic: Career Exploration

Curriculum standard(s): HUM-FNW-11 Research careers related to food, nutrition and wellness.
 11.1 Identify foods and nutrition careers in the government, business, media, educational, and healthcare sectors and list the educational requirements for those identified.
11.2 Examine the job market at a local, state and regional level.
.11.3 Analyze how studying foods and nutrition now can benefit one in the future.

Essential Question(s): 
What types of careers are there in food and nutrition?
Why should I investigate a career in foods and nutrition?
How can this type of career benefit the future of society?

Opening :Bellwork: How often is the Occupational Outlook Handbook revised?

Work Sessions: 
Media Center {Last Day}.Students will work with partner in the media center on their research projects. Students will research a food and nutrition related career. They will put together a media/technology and print (brochure/newsletter) presentation.
Students will be provided with guided questions and presentation rubric.
Closing: In one sentence explain how your career can be a benefit to the future of our society.

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