Final { Written} Exam Schedule:
1st and 2nd block: Thursday- December 17th -Early Release
3rd and 4th block: Friday- December 18th- Early Release
Friday, December 11, 2015
FL Alternative Sweetener Brochure due Monday-12-14-15
Sugar Substitutes Brochure Activity
Needed Elements:
typed in standard size (10 to 12) font, ___
topic title and author’s name of brochure, ___
forms (powder, liquid, solid, etc.) alternative
sweetener is manufactured and sold, ___
main manufacturer of alternative sweetener; ___
major vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients (if
applicable) found in alternative sweetener, ___
minimum of 3 pros and 3 cons for using the alternative
sweetener, ___
minimum 3 tips for using product in recipes (baked
goods, beverages, and other finished products), ___
picture(s) of featured alternative sweetener in retail
packaging and/or retail raw state, ___
special consideration for purchasing, storage, and/or
food safety issues, ___
standardized recipe featuring the assigned alternative
sweetener, ___
Alternative Sweetener Project Elements
Elements: All above in
brochure (50 points each)
Appearance: Neat (3); Legible
wording (3); Colorful/eye-pleasing (3); tri-fold format (3)
Organization: Components support main theme (2); Strong
unity of ideas (2); Elements arranged in logical order with effective
transitions (2)
presentation: Did not read brochure
(5); Maintained eye contact with audience (5); Able to answer questions
intelligent (5)
Employability Skills: Used time wisely on
project workdays (7); Respectful during classmates’ presentations (5); Turned
in original rubric with poster (5)
Total Points
Friday, December 4, 2015
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
FNW Wednesday, 12-2-15
Subject:Food, Nutrition and Wellness (3rd & 4th block)
Topic: Chapter 8 Dietary Guidelines
Curriculum standard(s):HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
4.2 Analyze the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Dietary Recommended Intake, and My Plate.
Essential Question(s):What is the purpose of of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Opening: Diet. Read the prompt and complete the student activity.
Work Sessions:
1. Complete any work from Monday 11-13-15
.Chapter 9 MyPyramid (MyPlate)
2. Teacher will introduce Chapter 9- What are five food groups?
-Chapter 9 Graphic Organizer- List two favorite foods per each food group {p.9}
Chapter 9 Handout p. 63 & 65 ( Study Skills and Vocabulary)
- Chapter 9 Discussion Questions (use the textbook to find the answers)
Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Assignments will be given according to
individual student IEP.
Magazine Report Forms
Questions/Answers-Short Responses
Bellworks/Exit Slips
CTAERN handouts
Unit 4-Chapters 7-9
Topic: Chapter 8 Dietary Guidelines
Curriculum standard(s):HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
4.2 Analyze the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Dietary Recommended Intake, and My Plate.
Essential Question(s):What is the purpose of of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Opening: Diet. Read the prompt and complete the student activity.
Work Sessions:
1. Complete any work from Monday 11-13-15
.Chapter 9 MyPyramid (MyPlate)
2. Teacher will introduce Chapter 9- What are five food groups?
-Chapter 9 Graphic Organizer- List two favorite foods per each food group {p.9}
Chapter 9 Handout p. 63 & 65 ( Study Skills and Vocabulary)
- Chapter 9 Discussion Questions (use the textbook to find the answers)
Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Assignments will be given according to
individual student IEP.
Magazine Report Forms
Questions/Answers-Short Responses
Bellworks/Exit Slips
CTAERN handouts
Unit 4-Chapters 7-9
FL- Wednesday, 12-2-15
Subject: Food for Life ( 1st & 2nd block)
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Develop a
nutritionally balanced diet for an adolescent.
Esstential Question(s):What are the causes of increased nutritional risk in adolescents?
Work Sessions: Students will work on Fad Diet Project.
Differentiation: Students will choose a Fad Diet to research and choose the medium to present.
Specialized Instruction/Modification:Assignments will be givien according to
individual student IEP.
- Class work(handouts)
- Graphic Organizers
- Bellworks/TOTDs
- Projects/Menu Activities
Food for Life
Fad Diet
Magazine Article Rubric
Points |
The headline of the article catches the attention of the
reader and relates well to the topic.
The introductory sentence captures the attention of
the reader and sums up the focus of the story.
The body paragraphs tell the most important facts and
answers the assignment questions.
Details and elaboration are evident and flow smoothly from
the lead.
Quotes are used to add interest and support to the story.
The writer is objective and shows all sides to an issue.
The sources are listed in MLA format at the bottom of the
Pictures are used well; good placement/size; not too many
that distract; help emphasis verbal points
The article has been spell checked.
The work is neat and presentable.
Tuesday, 12-1-15
FL- FAD Diet Project due Friday, December 4, 2015
Fad Diet Project
It seems like every few months a new diet is proposed that
is supposed to “really work,” unlike
those other diets. You are to write a magazine article defining the fad
diet of your choice, list the pros & cons of the diet, describe a typical
week of meals (with pictures), list the nutritional values of each meal, and
describe the consequences of being on the diet long term.
Fad Diet Partial List:
South Beach
Fat Flush
Weight Watchers
Jenny Craig
Magazine Article Components
Pros & Cons of diet
Typical Week Meals
Consequences of the diet over the long term
Personal Opinion

Saturday, November 7, 2015
FNW: Chapter 7 Nutrients Food to you. Use these notes to help you complete the Nutrient Chain
You can pause the video to take your notes.
Nutrient Chain due Friday 11-13-15
Monday, November 2, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Food for Nutrition Agenda 11-2-6-2015
Topic:Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
c. Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
What makes a "well-equipped kitchen"?
Opening: Kitchen Equipment
Work Sessions: Unpack the standard
1. Whole group will check and discuss ALL Chapter kitchen equipment assignments.
-Kitchen Equipment Crossword
2. Teacher will show Kitchen Equipment PowerPoint. Have students take the Kitchen Tools PowerPoint Quiz. [10 questions]
3. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
Complete the rest of the packet.
Topic:Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
c. Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
What makes a "well-equipped kitchen"?
Opening: Kitchen Equipment
Work Sessions: Unpack the standard
1. Whole group will check and discuss ALL Chapter kitchen equipment assignments.
-Kitchen Equipment Crossword
2. Teacher will show Kitchen Equipment PowerPoint. Have students take the Kitchen Tools PowerPoint Quiz. [10 questions]
3. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
Complete the rest of the packet.
Topic:Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
c. Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
What makes a "well-equipped kitchen"?
Opening:Recipe- 3-2-1 Kitchen Equipment
Work Sessions: Test-Kitchen Equipment
Recipe- Students will read the prompt and answer the student activity.
- Reading Recipe handouts
Topic:Chapter 7 Nutrients: From Food to You
Curriculum standard(s):
Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question(s):What is Nutrition?
Opening: Bellwork: 3 questions about nutrition and nutrients
Work Sessions:
. Students will unpack different parts of the new standard, teacher will discuss new EQ, introduce the new chapter, student volunteers will read key concepts, main idea and vocabulary(content & academic).
2. Students will complete” Nutrient” graphic organizer to list the six categories of nutrients.
3. Students will complete: WB pg. 51-Content and Academic Vocabulary (ELA): students will predict what the word means in the first column and write the text’s definition in the second column.
4.Introduce the lesson by showing students the Essential Nutrients PowerPoint. This will cover the following 6 major classes of essential nutrients:
• Water -The most essential nutrient for all body functions
• Carbohydrates - energy foods
• Fats - concentrated energy foods
• Proteins - body builder foods
• Vitamins – body regulators
• Minerals –body regulators
5. Have students complete the Foods with Essential Nutrients Worksheet.
Curriculum standard(s):HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families
Essential Question(s):What food sources contain each nutrient?
Opening: What are the five steps to a proper handwashing.
Work Sessions: Dishwashing Lesson
Plan for breakfast food lab:
-planning sheet
Curriculum standard(s): HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individuals and families.
Essential Question(s):What food sources contain each nutrient?
Opening:Students get apron, wash hands.
Work Sessions:
Breakfast Lab
-French Toast
Bacon (Pork or Turkey)
Student will supply own drink
Students not working in the food lab: Work on Chapter 7 assignments.
Food for Life Agenda- Week of November 2-6, 2015
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Essential Question(s):How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?
Ask students to write about how they were fed as infants.
If they have siblings/nieces/cousins younger than them, ask if they remember how they were fed.
Ask students if they have ever fed an infant? Open questions for class discussion and encourage students to share their journal entries with class.
Work Sessions:
1.Whole group will discuss new standard and expectations. Introduce new section p. 266-267.
2. Teacher will show CTAERN ppt. Newborn Nutrition Powerpoint…Whole class will take notes and discuss
3. Discuss the varied methods of feeding infants and the methods advantages and disadvantages for the infant and the mother. Show the Newborn Feeding PowerPoint.
Students will take notes.
4 Feeding an Infant, Activity C, WB. Students will complete statements about feeding schedules for infants. They will also
rank a list of foods in the order they are introduced to an infant’s diet. Finally, students will complete sentences about tips for feeding infants.
Essential Question(s):How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?
Opening:Ask students to write how they plan to feed their infants if they plan to have children in the future. Ask them to write why they have chosen this method of infant feeding.
Work Sessions: 1. Pregnancy Snack Lab- Students will make Trail Mix and Fruit Smoothies.
2. Administer the Newborn Nutrition Quiz, grade using Newborn Nutrition Quiz Answer Key.
Closing: Did your mind change about how you plan on feeding your child?
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Essential Question(s):How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?
Ask students to write about how they were fed as infants.
If they have siblings/nieces/cousins younger than them, ask if they remember how they were fed.
Ask students if they have ever fed an infant? Open questions for class discussion and encourage students to share their journal entries with class.
Work Sessions:
1.Whole group will discuss new standard and expectations. Introduce new section p. 266-267.
2. Teacher will show CTAERN ppt. Newborn Nutrition Powerpoint…Whole class will take notes and discuss
3. Discuss the varied methods of feeding infants and the methods advantages and disadvantages for the infant and the mother. Show the Newborn Feeding PowerPoint.
Students will take notes.
4 Feeding an Infant, Activity C, WB. Students will complete statements about feeding schedules for infants. They will also
rank a list of foods in the order they are introduced to an infant’s diet. Finally, students will complete sentences about tips for feeding infants.
List one new thing you learned about Newborn Feeding.
Topic: Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Essential Question(s):How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?
Opening:Ask students to write how they plan to feed their infants if they plan to have children in the future. Ask them to write why they have chosen this method of infant feeding.
Work Sessions: 1. Pregnancy Snack Lab- Students will make Trail Mix and Fruit Smoothies.
2. Administer the Newborn Nutrition Quiz, grade using Newborn Nutrition Quiz Answer Key.
- Set up varied types of infant formula.
- Discuss the reason for varied types of infant formula. Allow students to taste the varied kinds of formula.
Students will complete Chapter 11 handout: Breast milk Versus Formula- complete the chart by listing their opinions of the advantages and disadvantages of breast – feeding and bottle-feeding. We will discuss the nutritional, social, and emotional factors related to the decision to breast or bottle feed.
3.Teacher will show CTAE Infant feeding PowerPoint. (Advantages /Disadvantages Breast feeding & Bottle feeding)
Closing: Did your mind change about how you plan on feeding your child?
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate the proper feeding of newborns by analyzing nutritional requirements and potential deficiencies of mother and child during the first weeks after birth.
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life.
Essential Question(s):How does the feeding method of the newborn infant affect the mother’s health?
Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?
Teacher will show Youtube video: Advantages/Disadvantages of Breastfeeding.
Work Sessions 1.Complete any assignments from Tuesday.
2.Infant feeding discussion: Activity C WB handout
3.Pass out the Breastfeeding Persuasive Essay Handout. Topic: Breastfeeding is better for the mother and infant than bottle feeding.
-Bottle feeding is better for the mother and infant than breast feeding.
Students will be provided with needed element rubric and Persuasion Plan Outline. Worth 100 points.
Closing: Q & A
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life.
Essential Question(s):Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?
Students will write two true/false questions from the section “Food for Infants”. Questions will be used as a closer/future bellwork.
Work Sessions:
Class discussion Infant Feeding ( store bought food vs. homemade food)
(Work on Breastfeeding Essay)
Topic:Chapter 11 Nutrition through the Lifespan
Curriculum standard(s):
Develop a nutritionally balanced diet for infants from birth through the first year of life.
Essential Question(s):Why is it essential to teach a pregnant woman the varied aspects of breastfeeding and/or bottle feeding her infant?
Work Sessions: Homework due today. (Breastfeeding Essay)
Infant feeding lessons
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Food for Nutrition Agenda Week of 10-26-30-2015
TEST-Unit 3 {Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 Tuesday~10-27-15...
Subject: Food, Nutrition and Wellness ( 3rd & 4th block)
Topic: Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Curriculum standard(s):
HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation procedures from production to consumption.
Essential Question(s): What safety prevention practices should be a part of any kitchen?
Opening: Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5 & 6 {Review}
-3 questions (4th block)
Work Sessions: 3rd block
1. Share Foodborne Illness articles
2. Discuss Signs of Safety handout (3rd block)
3..Kitchen Safety handout
4. Chapter 5 /6 handout-Preparing and Serving Food Safely p.19-20
4th block
1. Discuss Emergency handout
2. DVD-Kitchen Safety- discussion questions
3. Kitchen Safety handout
4. Chapter 5/6 handout-Preparing and Serving Food Safely p. 19-20
Closing: Q & A
Topic: Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Curriculum standard(s):
HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation procedures from production to consumption.
Essential Question(s):What safety prevention practices should be a part of any kitchen?
Opening:Teacher will show YouTube clip: NBC Show-Kitchen Fire Safety
Work Sessions:
1.Students will take Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5 Food Safety & Sanitation- Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
2. After the test students will work on
- FNW Bellwork-Equipping a Home Kitchen- Develop a list of equipment for first apartment/home.
-Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment Graphich Organizer-categories and specfic types
-Kitchen Equipment Worksheet
- Small Electrical Appliance worksheet. {Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment}
Closing: NONE
Topic: Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Opening:Substitute Agreement
Work Sessions: Substitute Agreement
Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment- Students will work on:
1. Kitchen Equipment worksheet
2. Small Appliance Worksheet
3. Students will work on Kitchen Utensil Crosswords handout
4. Chapter 19 handout: The Right Tool for the Job *use the textbook*
Differentiation: Daily assignments
Topic: Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Bellwork- What would you use to measure:
Work Sessions:
1. Whole group will check and discuss ALL Chapter19 kitchen equipment assignments.
2. Teacher will Kitchen Equipment PowerPoint. Have students take the Kitchen Tools PowerPoint Quiz. [10 questions]
3. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
Closing: Exit Slip-One thing you learned today.
Topic: Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Opening: Recipe-Students will read the prompt and answer the student activity.
Work Sessions:
1. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
2. Reading recipe handouts
Closing: 3-2-1 Kitchen Equipment
Subject: Food, Nutrition and Wellness ( 3rd & 4th block)
Topic: Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Curriculum standard(s):
HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation procedures from production to consumption.
Essential Question(s): What safety prevention practices should be a part of any kitchen?
Opening: Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5 & 6 {Review}
-3 questions (4th block)
Work Sessions: 3rd block
1. Share Foodborne Illness articles
2. Discuss Signs of Safety handout (3rd block)
3..Kitchen Safety handout
4. Chapter 5 /6 handout-Preparing and Serving Food Safely p.19-20
4th block
1. Discuss Emergency handout
2. DVD-Kitchen Safety- discussion questions
3. Kitchen Safety handout
4. Chapter 5/6 handout-Preparing and Serving Food Safely p. 19-20
Closing: Q & A
Topic: Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Curriculum standard(s):
HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.
HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation procedures from production to consumption.
Essential Question(s):What safety prevention practices should be a part of any kitchen?
Opening:Teacher will show YouTube clip: NBC Show-Kitchen Fire Safety
Work Sessions:
1.Students will take Unit 3 Test: Chapter 5 Food Safety & Sanitation- Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
2. After the test students will work on
- FNW Bellwork-Equipping a Home Kitchen- Develop a list of equipment for first apartment/home.
-Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment Graphich Organizer-categories and specfic types
-Kitchen Equipment Worksheet
- Small Electrical Appliance worksheet. {Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment}
Closing: NONE
Topic: Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Opening:Substitute Agreement
Work Sessions: Substitute Agreement
Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment- Students will work on:
1. Kitchen Equipment worksheet
2. Small Appliance Worksheet
3. Students will work on Kitchen Utensil Crosswords handout
4. Chapter 19 handout: The Right Tool for the Job *use the textbook*
Differentiation: Daily assignments
Topic: Chapter 19 Kitchen Equipment
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Bellwork- What would you use to measure:
Work Sessions:
1. Whole group will check and discuss ALL Chapter19 kitchen equipment assignments.
2. Teacher will Kitchen Equipment PowerPoint. Have students take the Kitchen Tools PowerPoint Quiz. [10 questions]
3. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
Closing: Exit Slip-One thing you learned today.
Curriculum standard(s):
Define and demonstrate mixing equipment and cooking and baking tools.
d. Define and demonstrate cookware for the range, oven, and microwave oven.
Essential Question(s): What are some effective ways to choose and use kitchen equipment?
Opening: Recipe-Students will read the prompt and answer the student activity.
Work Sessions:
1. Students will watch DVD: How to measure and complete handout with the video.
2. Reading recipe handouts
Closing: 3-2-1 Kitchen Equipment
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CCSD Reopening Plan:
Name: _________________ Block: _____ Date: ___________ Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research th...
Due: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 30% of final grade Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research the a...