Standards: FCS-FNL-5. Students will
explain the nutritional requirements of the stages of childhood.
Session: 1st block: LESSON 3:
Nutritional Risk

1. Show slides 12-14 of the Childhood Nutrition PowerPoint
with students the information in the slides.
2. Students should understand what foods
provide children with protein, energy, vitamin A, iron, and zinc (most of these
are meats and vegetables; both which children do not want to eat, or are picky
is most likely why deficiencies are seen in these areas. Students must also
remember that these foods are more expensive than high sugar/high fat foods, so
these deficiencies are also seen in low socio-economic homes.
3. Discuss with students the family dynamics
that might allow for a child to be at nutritional risk.
4. Summary:
students to understand that most children will go through a food jag, and they
will eventually become disinterested with the food. However, students should
know that it is not healthy for the child to completely “live” off of that one
particular food and that new foods should constantly be introduced.
block: Students will watch T.D. Jakes Presents: Mind, Body & Soul-Episode Healthier You
-Class discussion
Daily Homework: none
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the changes in body
composition in adolescents?
What are
the causes of increased nutritional risk in adolescents?
Standards FCS-FNL-6 Students
will explain the nutritional requirements of the adolescence diet.
a) Identify changes in body composition as a result of growth and
development and explain the cause of increased nutritional risk for individuals
in this age group.
b) Demonstrate
an awareness of fluids, hydration, carbohydrates, and supplements on physical
c) Explain
the causes of obesity and evaluate popular weight loss diets within the context
of an adequate and balanced diet.
d) Distinguish
between eating disorders, predict the outcomes, and identify the at-risk individuals.
Work Session: 1. Have students study
their Childhood Nutrition Study Guide. After allowing students time to
study, administer
the Childhood Nutrition Quiz.
. 2. Review Essential Questions. Post essential
questions in the classroom.
3. Identify and review the unit vocabulary
using World Splash.
Growth Spurt
Fad Diet
The Atkin’s Diet
The Pritikin
The Zone Diet
The South Beach Diet
Jenny Craig
Weight Watchers
Eating Disorder
Binge Eating
4. Adolescent Nutrition
slides 2-5 of the Adolescent
Nutrition PowerPoint with students
students that all nutrients are important during adolescence; however, iron and
calcium are two nutrients that become extremely important during this time.
students that this is a time of puberty changes and body composition changes.
students complete Fill in the Blank Notes Handout during presentation.
5. Healthy Snacks
in examples of snacks listed on slide 6 for students to try
discussion about the snacks
Closing/Summarizer: Ask students, “Why do you think it is
important to eat healthy on a regular basis?”
Daily Homework:none
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do certain nutrients play roles in
healthy physical activity?
Students will explain the nutritional
requirements of the adolescence diet. [b]
Work Session: LESSON 2:
1. Review Essential Questions. Post essential
questions in the classroom.
How do
certain nutrients play roles in healthy physical activity?
2. Adolescent
Nutrition Part 2
Review slides 7-9
of the Adolescent Nutrition PowerPoint with students, stressing
the issue of supplements
3. Steroids
Many students
do not understand the dangers of steroids.
Visit the
o Differentiate between steroids
(what your body makes) and anabolic steroids (drugs that resemble the body’s
o Review health and legal
consequences of taking steroids.
4. Editorial Assignment
A topic that
often surfaces with athletes is legalizing steroid use. Have students write an
editorial sports opinion on the topic of “For or Against” legalizing steroids
for athletes.
Students will
need to provide details and information to support their opinion.
Daily Homework: Editorial Assignment
(Due Thursday, November 21, 2013)
Thursday, November 21, 2013
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the causes of obesity?
How do certain fad diets
affect a healthy diet?
Standards: FCS-FNL-6 Students will explain the nutritional requirements of the
adolescence diet. [C]
Session: LESSON
1. Review
Essential Questions
2. View
PowerPoint Slide 10
should understand that obesity during adolescence is often a result of
childhood obesity.
can develop harmful habits to help fight obesity.
3. Video:
A&E Investigative Reports: Childhood Obesity
This video can
be purchased at A&
The video
discusses the issue of childhood obesity, but it is a great way to show the
correlation between childhood obesity and adolescent obesity.
A&E also
offers a list of discussion questions that relate with the video at
PowerPoint Slide 11
• Internet access is
needed for this assignment.
may work in partners, or it may be a teacher guided lesson.
alternative to students reading all seven diets would be to assign each student
two diets and then share their findings with the class.
• Using the website:
students will read about each diet listed above in the word wall box.
Students will
answer the following questions about each diet as listed on the slide:
o Explain:
§ What the diet entails
§ Advantages
§ Disadvantages
o Answer:
§ Would you recommend this diet to an
adolescent? A middle aged person?
§ Why or why not?
§ What do you think are some dangers
of this diet?
§ What are the restraints of this
diet (example: cost, time)?
Daily Homework:none
Friday, November 22, 2013
Standards: FCS-FNL-6 Students will explain
the nutritional requirements of the adolescence diet
Work Session: Students will work in the
Food Lab: Free Cook
to plan menu and prepare food with classmates.
Daily Homework: NONE
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