Sunday, August 30, 2015
Agenda FL Week of August 31, 2015
Monday ~ 8-31-15
Bellwork: List two resources you can use to promote wellness across the lifespan (write on the board)
Work Session:
Bellwork: List two resources you can use to promote wellness across the lifespan (write on the board)
Work Session:
1. Check Chapter 4
assignments from last week.(Promoting the DGA, Independent reading, My
Personal Plate Activity C handout )
2. Web Lesson #5 and #7
TOTD: Students choose
a slip of paper and answer the question
Tuesday, 9-1-15
Bellwork: Be prepared to answer random questions from about the DRIs
and DGA using graphic organizers.
Work Session:
1. Activity p. 96 Empty Calories vs. Nutrient
Dense Foods (The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will send
one person at a time to pick a junk food card and supply a nutrient dense
2. Meal Planning with
Exchanges: Teacher will demonstrate how to complete meal exchanges. Students
will complete WB pages 84-85 Mia’s Meal Pattern ..Meal Planning with Exchanges
List one new way you can implement the DGA into your daily
life? (sticky note)
Wednesday, 9-2-15
Activity: Mad Scientist-Students will draw a food that
contains high nutrient density. *share responses*
Work Session:
. Complete Meal Planning with
Exchanges lesson.
Food Labels and Daily Value
2. Teacher will show Youtube
clip…Nutrition Labels 101..What does percent daily value mean? Students will
take mini notes.
3. Student volunteer(s) will
read . 100. Whole class will complete Math Link: Calculating % Daily Value (DV)
4. Students will compare two
foods (same type, product) labels and write conclusions about the relative
contents of the various brands and types of product (if available).
5. Students will complete
Snack Inspection, Activity B, WB. Students will make predictions about the
nutritional content of four snack foods. Then students are to compare the
nutrition facts panel provided to evaluate the accuracy of their predictions
and write conclusion.
Portion Sizes: Students will read the activity and complete
the student activity
Thursday, 9-3-15
List five things you find on a nutrition facts panel
Work Session:
1.Complete any unfinished assignments.
.2. Web Lesson Nutrition Facts Pan
Activity: MyPlate Servings: Read the prompt and complete the
Friday, 9-4-15
Bellwork: Students
will share MyPlate rap, song or poem
Work Session: 1. Chapter 4 Review Learning Questions p.103
questions 1-11 *write the questions
Food Diary-For a two day period,
one weekday , and one weekend record what you eat/drink from the time you wake
up until the time you go to bed (24 hours). They will record the date, time of
day, and item(s) eaten. Due September 8, 2015
Q & A: Homework -Food Diary
Agenda: FNW Week Of August 31, 2015
Ethnic Cuisine Buffet II Guidelines
of the buffet: Friday ~September 4, 2015
v Worth 100 points ►30% of final grade [project grade part of Chapter
3 Food & Culture Unit]
v Do:
Pick an ethnic food related to your
cultural background or ethnic group.
Pick an ethnic cuisine that you or
your family likes to eat or prepare at home.
The food should be HOMEMADE OR
Bring enough food/drink for _8-10_
Don’t = point(s) reduction on
Bring any fried foods or uncooked foods.
any packaged foods {such as chips, donuts, cake, soda, junk food) from the
any breakable dishes that you have to transport on the bus.
This is a mandatory class assignment. This is not a party; but an activity/experience
to try different foods from other cultures. If you choose not to participate it
will affect your final grade on this portion of the ethnic cuisine
Ms. Cofer
Monday, 8-31-15
Essential Questions:
How does the world around you
(socio-economic status, religion, environment, etc.) affect your food choices?
What is the relationship
between the food we eat and where it is grown?
Chapter 4 Food and the MarketplaceBellwork:
Students will watch DVD: The meaning of foods: The Geechee Story & Hawaiin Funeral *Group discussion*
Work Session:
Teacher will discuss ethnic cuisine buffet. (Students will
bring a drink or dish representing an ethnic
1. Students will share Writing
Activity: Journal Entry p.36 (Ethnic Food): Students will write about the foods
they grew up eating. Think about their family traditions, the way the food is
cooked, and the herbs, spices and other seasonings used to flavor the food.
2. Complete Chapter 3 Concept
3. Students will work on
Chapter 3 Test Taking handout p. 21-22 (M/C strategies} Closing
What could be two benefits of
enjoying foods from other cultures?
Tuesday, 9-1-15
To begin the activity, show the following video and give the
students an insight into what breakfast looks like in various areas of the
world: https://youtu.be/ry1E1uzPSU0 The students will be doing a following a
similar idea with the activity, but instead of just making a dish, there will
be a research and presentation component as well.
Work Session:
1. Check and grade Chapter 3
concept questions.
2. Check and grade Chapter 3
handout p. 21-22
3. Teacher will introduce
Chapter 4:
Activator: Students will name some things they
like to eat and list their choices on a white board. Then students will imagine
that they are living 100 years ago. The class will discuss which of the foods
on the board would not have been available, and how the foods that were
available would be different from their modern counterparts.
Watch a section
of Meaning of Food- class discussion
Wednesday, 9-2-15
Bellwork: Test questions (5). Students will use paddle boards
to respond.
Work Session: Chapter 4
Students will complete Writing Activity p.48- Write using details. Write
a descriptive paragraph about an unfamiliar food.
2. Students will work on Content &
Academic vocabulary worksheet p. 30
Teacher will short film: The Farm bill
and Food Chain {Nourish Short Films}
3. Food Supply Chain: From the Field to
your Plate: Students will create a 7-step graphic organizer on construction
paper with pictures. p.51
4. Handout p. 15: Food on Your
Table-Additional Activity for Chapter 4
Closing: TBD
Thursday, 9-3-15
Bellwork: Students will watch Youtube clip: Farming.
Work Session:
Teacher will introduce the
Ethnic Cuisine research project. Students will be given a ethnic cuisine to
research based on a set of guided questions. Then they will create a technology
component to present in class. {Guided questions, rubric} Q & A
2. Students will work on Chapter
4 assignments from Wednesday.
Exit Slips…What I learned today
Friday, 9-4-15
Ethnic food buffet. Students will bring in ethnic dishes to
share with the class (read the guidelines)
Sunday, August 23, 2015
FL Agenda Week of August 24, 2015
*subject to change*
Monday 8-24-15
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the four types of DRIs?
Monday 8-24-15
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the four types of DRIs?
Standards: HUM-FL-3
Design and demonstrate a nutritious
3.1 Define and demonstrate an
understanding of the components of a nutritious diet by planning menus for
different age groups using Dietary Guidelines for Americans, other sources of
consumer dietary guidance including My Plate, and the Exchange
Lists for Meal Planning, and Food
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Activator: Refer to the garden tools pictured on Tools to help you
“plant” a better diet handout. Students will
compare and contrast how garden tools may be similar to diet-planning
tools. Each student will define terms [Dietary Guidelines for Americans, daily
exercise, nutrient density, DRIs, food labels, MyPlate]. . Discussion of how
these tools can help promote a healthy lifestyle.
Work Session: 1. Students
will unpack the standard and discuss the new EQ.
Dietary Reference Intakes p.92-93
2. Teacher will show the
Recommended Nutrient Intakes, color lesson slide to illustrate the four types
of nutrient reference values that fall under the umbrella of DRIs. Teacher will
distinguish the difference and meaning after
students define and state purpose of DRIs, EARs, RDAs, AIs & ULs.
3. Compare deficiency and toxicity as
two extremes of health problems associated with vitamin consumption. Student
will identify which DRIs relate most directly to each extreme.
Daily Homework: NONE
Tuesday 8-25-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): List two unhealthy
characteristics of a typical U.S. diet.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans [p.93-94]
Work Session: 1. Students
will watch Youtube video: Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. They will
answer a set of guided questions with the video.
2. Web based lesson: students will
use computer to complete assignment. Identify the recommended DGA, give
examples of how to practice these guidelines and make personal recommendations
on how to follow the guidelines.
3. Handout: Activity B p. 20.
Promoting Dietary Guidelines- Design a proposal pretending to work for a public
relations company contracted by the USDA. ( Will design a refrigerator magnet,
shopping list pad, bag clip, rubber jar opener).
Daily Homework:
Wednesday 8-26-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): In your opinion “ What value is there in having a planned
eating pattern versus consuming an uplanned eating patter?.”
Chapter 4 Nutrition Guidelines
Work Session: 1. Check and discuss Tuesday's assignments (DGA)
MyPlate (p.94-98)
Handout: Catch Nutrition Fever p. 83 (Activator)
Handout: Personal Plate Activity C: Each section of the MyPlate graphic write
the name of the food group represented.
MyPlate Servings: Students will read the prompt and complete the student activity.
Students will write lyrics for a rap, song or poem about using MyPlate servings
to cut down on fat and calories in the
Daily Homework: NONE
Thursday 8-27-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Activity: MyPlate Servings: Read the
prompt and complete the activity.
Work Session: 1.
1. Review Learning Questions p.103
questions 1-11 *write the questions*
2. Handout” (Activity C) Personal
Plate: Read the directions. Students will label groups of MyPlate and give
recommended daily amounts for each group. Then they will write the names of three
of their favorite foods from each group in the appropriate spaces on the
Friday 8-28-15
- Students
will share MyPlate rap, song or poem*
Work Session: Teacher will show
Youtube clip: Myplate and Dietary Guidelines
class will discuss My Personal Plate Activity C handout.
If necessary students will complete
review learning questions p. 103/ 1-11
MyPlate: Web based lesson. Students
will use laptops/desktop to complete assignment.
Portion Sizes: Students will read
the activity and complete the student activity.
Daily Homework: NONE
FNW Agenda Week of August 24, 2015
*subject to change*
Monday 8-24-15
Monday 8-24-15
Analyze factors that
influence food choices and quality of diet.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Students will work on Quick Write: Using a Narrative. They
will write a short narrative about their
first encounter with a “new food”. *share responses with the class*
Chapter 3
Work Session:1. Students will take the Career Vocabulary Test.
will introduce Chapter 3 [standard and EQ] Students will unpack the standard.
Whole class will discuss 6point graphic organizer “Your Food Choices” {students
provided two facts per category}
will show clips from DVD: The meaning of Food (Fasting, Bengali Feast &
Italian Wedding) students will explain the connection to food choices.
Students will complete on Chapter 3 Content and Academic Vocab Word Splash.
Daily Homework: None
Tuesday, 8-25-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Teacher will
build background {TM72} Regional and Ethnic foods. 1. Students will name their
favorite ethnic dishes. Teacher will compile list on board. {Point out the
popular cuisines}. 2.Teacher will ask students to explain why they like the
foods they named.
You tube clip: Food around the world…
Work Session:
Check and discuss Word splash/ Vocabulary.
Direct Instruction: Teacher will show Ch. 3 PPT Foods of the United States and
Canda. Students will take notes.
Students will work on Chapter 3 ELA worksheet p. 16/17. {Evalulate Influences}
Will discuss answer whole group.
Students will work with a partner to complete “ And the Country is…” worksheet.
Will check with the whole class.
I was surprised to learn…
Daily Homework: none
Wednesday, 8-26-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Teacher will show You Tube clip: Exotic Food from around
the world. Students will get a visual of different foods from other countries.
Work Session: 1. Chapter 3 (Your passport to Nutrtion
p.43-44) Students will take notes with the powerpoint
Students will work on Chapter 3 Concept questions *use the textbook to find the
Students will work on Chapter 3 Test Taking worksheet p. 21 -22. M/C strategies
Teacher will discuss Ethnic food buffet. (guidelines, date)
Thursday, 8-27-15
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Favorite International Cuisine.
Teacher will show You Tube clip: Exotic Food from around the world. Students will get a visual of different foods from other countries.
Work Session: 1. Students will complete Chapter 3 assignments to checked for a grade.
2. Writing Activity: Journal Entry p.36 (Ethnic Food): Students will write about the foods they grew up eating. Think about their family traditions, the way the food is cooked, and the herbs, spices and other seasonings used to flavor the food.
Closing/Summarizer: 3-2-1 about about Food and Culture
Daily Homework:
Friday 8-28-15
1. Students will watch DVD: The meaning
of foods: The Geechee Story & Hawaiin Funeral *Group discussion*
2. Check and grade Chapter 3 Food and
Culture assignments- Concept questions, handouts p. 15/16
3. Teacher will introduce the Ethnic Cuisine research project.
Students will be given a ethnic cuisine to research based on a set of guided
questions. Then they will create a technology component to present in class.
{Guided questions, rubric} Q & A
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Week of August 17, 2015 Agenda
Monday-Last day to work on project in class. Print off brochure (FNW) newsletter (FL)
Tuesday- Present projects
- Working on career vocabulary
Wednesday- Present projects
-Working on career vocabulary
Thursday- Last day to present projects
- Prep for career vocabulary test (Monday, 8-24-15)
Friday- Common Assessment
DvD- Careers in Nutrition
Tuesday- Present projects
- Working on career vocabulary
Wednesday- Present projects
-Working on career vocabulary
Thursday- Last day to present projects
- Prep for career vocabulary test (Monday, 8-24-15)
Friday- Common Assessment
DvD- Careers in Nutrition
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Present Career Exploration Projects- NO EXCUSES...
FNW- Technology Component and Brochure-30% of final grade
FL- App and Newsletter- 30% of final grade
Present Career Exploration Projects- NO EXCUSES...
FNW- Technology Component and Brochure-30% of final grade
FL- App and Newsletter- 30% of final grade
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015: Present Career Projects.
FNW- Technology component (No PowerPoints)
FL- App
FNW- Technology component (No PowerPoints)
FL- App
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Quote of the week:
When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. ~Terri Guillemets
Week of August 10, 2015
Career Exploration Unit
-Standards and Essential Question
-Career Vocabulary Words
-Career Exploration Technology Project ( Smartphone App, Technology component {Prezi, Emaze etc} Publisher piece { brochure or newsletter}
FNW students will work with a partner.
FL students will work independently.
Presentation are due: Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Career Exploration Unit
-Standards and Essential Question
-Career Vocabulary Words
-Career Exploration Technology Project ( Smartphone App, Technology component {Prezi, Emaze etc} Publisher piece { brochure or newsletter}
FNW students will work with a partner.
FL students will work independently.
Presentation are due: Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Week of August 3, 2015
First week activities:
Ice Breakers
Who am I? activity ( mission statement and goals)
Mandatory Supplies-Due Monday, August 10th...
3~prong folder/binder

notebook paper
pen or pencil
Ice Breakers
Who am I? activity ( mission statement and goals)
Mandatory Supplies-Due Monday, August 10th...
3~prong folder/binder
notebook paper
pen or pencil
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CCSD Reopening Plan:
Name: _________________ Block: _____ Date: ___________ Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research th...
Due: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 30% of final grade Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research the a...