Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Missing Assignments/ Make-up work
Please use the online text book....instructions are here....go step-by-step...
Food, Nutrition & Wellness Cofer
Online Textbook
Instructions to access the online student textbook:
1. Glencoe.com
2. Click State and Student/Parent
3. Choose Subject: Family and Consumer Sciences
4. Click: Food, Nutrition and Wellness 2010
5. Click Online Student Edition (2 times)
You should be at the access code section
6. Access code # D2455A39E9 {case sensitive}
Friday, March 29, 2013
Standards: FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Students will answer two impromptu statements about food safety.
Work Session:
2nd & 4th block: Students will watch DVD Germs and Viruses. They will complete Film Review with the video.
3rd block will watch:
Students will work on ServSafe packets. ( Preventing Time-temperature abuse and cooling and rehating food)
Students will work on Chapter 5 worksheet p. 35-36 (2nd & 4th block)
3rd & 4th block: Chapter 5 Key Concept Questions 1-14 *use textbook*
Thursday, March 28, 2013
FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Activity-Bloopers. Students will have two minutes to write down as many “bloopers” or unsafe actions in the kitchen. Each student will share one “blooper” what makes the action unsafe.
UC DAVIS Food Safety video
Work Session: 1. Whole group discussion about Food Inspection Reports, how to read and decipher scores.
2. Students will share Foodborne Article Reviews
3. Chapter 6: Kitchen Safety ~ ACTIVATOR: Kitchen Sort: Students will get a slip of paper with a safe or not safe scenario. They will read the scenario and respond; the class will agree or disagree.
DVD: Kitchen Safety: Students will answer guided questions with the video.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Classes will work on CTAE Expo..products (Computer Lab)
-Display Boards
-Brochures { Food Labels/Nutrition and Food Safety & Sanitation}
Information will introduce the community and school to important nutrition information.
-Display Boards
-Brochures { Food Labels/Nutrition and Food Safety & Sanitation}
Information will introduce the community and school to important nutrition information.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
Chapter 5 Food Safety and Sanitation
How can a food-borne illness be prevented?
FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork: Clean (p.56) Student will read the prompt and answer the student activity.
*Teacher will show video clip: UC DAVIS Food Safety-I will survive
Work Session: 2nd block
1. Direct Instruction: Teacher will present the 4th step of Food Safety. Students will take notes and write a rule with the one minute clip.
2. Students will work on ServSafe packets (2)… Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures and Storing Food at the Proper Temperature
3. Article Reviews: Students will read a an article about a recent foodborne illness outbreak/recall and complete an article review to
share with the class.
4. Students will complete Chapter 5 Key Concepts questions 1-15. *use textbook to find the answers*
3rd/4th block:
- Students will complete DVD: Food Safety and discussion questions with the video.
- Direct Instruction: Teacher will present the 4th step of Food Safety. Students will take notes and write a rule with the one minute clip. (4th block will be presented with 3rd & 4th step of Food Safety)
- Students will work on ServSafe packets (2)… Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures and Storing Food at the Proper Temperature.
- (3rd block) Article Reviews: Students will read a an article about a recent foodborne illness outbreak/recall and complete an article review to share with the class.
- (3rd block) student will complete Chapter 5 pg. 77 assignments [ 1-6, 8/9]
- (4th block) will watch DVD Food Safety and complete discussion questions.
Daily Homework: NONE
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
First day of Spring...
Chapter 5 Food Safety & Sanitation
Chapter 5 Food Safety & Sanitation
FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Bellwork: List the five steps to a proper handwashing.
- USC DAViS Video: Food Safety music: Handwashing
2nd block
Work Session: 1. Students will complete ServSafe packet: Proper Handwashing Fact Sheet {reinforce}
2. Students will take notes: Finish up Clean and Complete Separate quadrants – 4-Steps of Food Safety
3. Students will work on ServSafe packets:
4. Video: Food Safety: Students will complete Food Safety video questions.
3rd & 4th block
1. UCDavis food safety video: We are the Microbes…
Students will draw a circle and divide into four equal quadrants. Label each quadrant: clean, separate, cook chill= 4 steps to food
safety. In each quadrant students will write one rule for keeping food safe. (foodsafety.gov)
Teacher will show clip from {foodsafety.gov} Clean…
2. Direct Instruction: students will take notes with teacher’s home food safety powerpoint. pg 7-11
* Handwashing handout-glo-germ activity talk about correct handwasing procedure…before, during and after…
3. ServSafe Worksheets: Personal Cleanliness & Proper Attire Fact Sheet & Activity 1.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can a food-borne illness be prevented?
Standards: FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork (p.55) Microorganism: Students will the read the prompt and answer the student activity. *share responses*
Activator: Activity-Bloopers. Students will have two minutes to write down as many “bloopers” or unsafe actions in the kitchen. Each student will share one “blooper” what makes the action unsafe.
Work Session: Chapter 5 Food Safety and Sanitation
Activity-Four Quadrants..Students will draw a circle and divide into four equal quadrants. Label the quadrants. Clean, Cook, Separate, Chill. In each quadrant write on rule for keeping food safe which would fit under each label. (foodsafety.gov) *5minute activitiesp.5* In each quadrant students wil write one rule for keeping food safe.
2nd block:
1. UCDavis food safety video: We are the Microbes…
2. Direct Instruction: students will take notes with teacher’s home food safety powerpoint. pg 7-11
* Handwashing handout-glo-germ activity talk about correct handwasing procedure…before, during and after…
3. ServSafe Worksheets: Personal Cleanliness & Proper Attire Fact Sheet & Activity *Will discuss whole group*
3rd & 4th block:
1. Students will unpack the new standard. Teacher will discuss new EQ
2. Students will take Food Safety Pre-test (Will be checked to gauge prior knowledge)
3. UC Davis Food Safety Video: Don’t Get Sicky wit it
4.Direct Instruction: Students will take class notes with teacher’s home food safety powerpoint. [Pg. 2-6]
5. ServSafe Worksheets: Personal Cleanliness & Proper Attire Fact Sheet & Activity 1 *Will discuss whole group*
Monday, March 18, 2013
· ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can a food-borne illness be prevented?
Chapter 5 Food Safety and Sanitation
Standards: FCS-FNW-9. Students will discuss food safety in the kitchen, including cross-contamination and the risk associated with lack of human cleanliness in creating foodborne illnesses.
FCS-FNW.10. Students will demonstrate safe food sanitation procedures.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork: : Food Safety (p.54) Students will read the prompt and answer the student activity. *Share Responses*
Activator: Students will complete “My Journal “ activity- read the prompt and answer the three questions about food and kitchen safety. (textbook p.62) * Be prepared to share responses*
Work Session:
2nd block:
1. Students will unpack the new standard. Teacher will discuss new EQ
2. Students will take Food Safety Pre-test (Will be checked to gauge prior knowledge)
3. UC Davis Food Safety Video: Don’t Get Sicky wit it
4.Direct Instruction: Students will take class notes with teacher’s home food safety powerpoint. [Pg. 2-6]
3rd & 4th block ( may have a substitute)
1. Complete Bellwork and Activator
2. Students will watch DVD Germs and Virsus. They will complete video notes with the video.
3. Studetns will work on Chapter 5 Vocabulary Review, Review Key Concepts 2-6, Critical Thinking 8-9.
Daily Homework: NONE
Friday, March 15, 2013
SADD Club is sponsoring March Madness Spirit Week:
· Monday, March 18 - Saint Patrick's Day Green Out and Leprechaun Day
· Tuesday, March 19 - Camouflage Day (wear camouflage gear)
· Wednesday, March 20 - Hat Day (wear green/gold/orange/purple)
· Thursday, March 21 - Twin Day (dress like LUCKY twins)
· Friday, March 22 - March Madness Spirit Wear and Four Leaf Clover Raffle
Friday, March 15, 2013
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging, advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on dietary quality.
Work Session:
* 3rd & 4th block will complete Organic vs. Nonorganic Debate.
1. TEST: Unit 2 Chapter 3 Food and Culture/ Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace *Rescheduled from 3/14/13 *
2. Students will start work on Chapter 5 Food Safety and Sanitation
Daily Homework: none
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
EQ: What is the relationship between the food we eat and where it is grown?
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging, advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on dietary quality.
Work Session: 1. TEST: Unit 2 Chapter 3 Food and Culture/ Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
2. Students will begin work on new Unit. Chapter 5 Food Safety and Sanitation.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
EQ: What is the relationship between the food we eat and where it is grown?
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging, advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on dietary quality.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): List two new things you learned about the food industry. *sticky note*
Work Session: 1. Students will participate in Debate: Organic vs. Nonorganic. The aim of this activity is to have students explore the pros and cons of eating organic and to help thme clarify their own ideas about the issue.
2. Students will participate in a group of 4..Food Survey. The aim of this activity is to engage students in thinking about the different types of food options available to them and assessing their priorities as consumers.
3. Unit 2 Test Review
Daily Homework:
Study for the testTuesday, March 12, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
What is the relationship between the food we eat and where it is grown?
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging, advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on dietary quality.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Food Safety and Government. List two responsibilities of the government as it relates to food safety.
Work Session:1. Students will watch Nutrition DVD Series 7: Where Does your food come from? They complete a 4-2-1..four things they found out, 2 things that surprised them about food, 1 question they still have.
2. Students will work on any unfinished assignments.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging, advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on dietary quality.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight one): Bellwork: Shelf life (p.57) Students will read the prompt and complete the student activity.
Work Session: 2nd block will work on Chapter 4- Friday 3/8 assignments.
1. Whole group will check and grade Chapter 4 assignments.
2. Students will watch Youtube clip: What is organic? Class discussion about the information conventional vs. organic farming.
3. Students will take notes with PowerPoint (Safe Food Supplies) Before notes add more information to K-W-L-H chart about safe food supplies.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Friday, March 8, 2013
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the
factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory
attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging,
advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health
status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and
intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food
additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and
monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on
dietary quality.
Opening Warm-up AND/OR Activator (highlight
one): Teacher will show clips from "short films about food" students will share their opinions.
Work Session:
1. Students will take notes with
the PowerPoint ( Technology and Food Supply)
2. Students will complete
Thursday’s assignments { Content & Academic Vocabulary, 7-step Graphic
Organizer: Farm to the Table}
3. Students will work on workbook
pg. 28 Study Skills and p.29: (Test
Taking Strategies)
Why are foods processed and packaged?
Daily Homework: none
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace
What is the relationship between the food we eat and where it is
Standards: FCS-FNW-3. Students will identify the
factors that affect food choices and dietary quality.
b. Describe the importance of sensory
attributes and the influence of marketing techniques (such as packaging,
advertising techniques, and physical environment) on food choices.
c. Discuss the influence of health
status and health consciousness including medical diets, food allergies and
intolerances, preventive health measures, concerns about pesticides and food
additives, nutrient content, and organic production on food choices.
d. Discuss the impact of time and
monetary constraints, such as family schedules and convenience foods, on
dietary quality.
Bellwork: Students will fill out the
first two columns of the K-W-L-H chart
about food supply chain and Technology and the Food Supply
Activator: Students will name some things they like to
eat and list their choices on a white board. Then students will imagine that
they are living 100 years ago. The class will discuss which of the foods on the
board would not have been available, and how the foods that were available
would be different from their modern counterparts.
Work Session: 1. Students will
unpack the new new sub-standard.
2. Teacher will introduce Chapter 4 Food and
the Marketplace..New EQ, Key Concepts Students will take notes with the
powerpoint. {Today’s Agriculture and What Affects Food Prices}
3. Students will work on Content &
Academic vocabulary worksheet p. 30
Teacher will short film: The Farm bill and Food
Chain {Nourish Short Films}
Food Suppy Chain: From the Field to your Plate: Students will create a 7-step
graphic organizer on construction paper with pictures. p.51
Daily Homework:none
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CCSD Reopening Plan:
Name: _________________ Block: _____ Date: ___________ Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research th...
Due: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 30% of final grade Food Allergies and Food Intolerances Info-Poster Directions: Research the a...