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Friday, February 5, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Subject:Food, Nutrition & Wellness (FNW) 1st & 2nd block

Topic:Chapter 3 Food and Culture
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace ( Unit 2) Food and Culture

Curriculum standard(s):
Analyze factors that influence food choices and quality of diet.

Essential Question(s)::How does the world around you (socio-economic status, religion, environment, etc.) affect your food choices?

Opening: TBD

Work Sessions: 1st block- Handout p. 15: Food on Your Table-Additional Activity for Chapter 4

2nd block- Food and Culture buffet- Students will bring an ethnic food or drink to share with the class.

Subject:Food for Life 4th block

Topic:Chapter 3 How Nutrients Become You

Curriculum standard(s)::HUM-FL-2 Outline the function of the digestive system and absorption process during the lifespan.

Essential Question(s):
How do you recognize the symptoms and effects of a food allergy or intolerance?

Opening: Two test questions (TBD)

Work Sessions: 1. Chapter 3 How Nutrients Become You Test
2. Students will work on Food Allergy/Intolerance Project. Presentations start Monday, 2-22-16

Closing: NONE

Differentiation:Students will work with a partner researching a different food allergy/intolerance.

Subject:Food Science 3rd block

Topic: Food Evaluation

Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate how and why scientific evaluation of foods is conducted.

Essential Question(s):
Why is an understanding of food science and technology important in the role of developing new food products?

Review Essential Questions.Why is an understanding of food science and technology important in the role of developing new food products?

Work Sessions:

“Decide: Brainstorming, decision on new food product to research and develop,”From Concept to Consumer:  Food Product Development Teacher’s Manual, refer to Concept to Consumer Manual, Lesson 2, page 5. Introduce unit and Lesson 2.

. Display products or pictures of products that fit a particular market niche.  (Example: sports drinks, children’s cereals, power nutrition bars).
 2.Hand out and review Worksheets #1 and #2 from Concept to Consumer Student Worksheets (attachment is a collection of worksheets).

 3. Divide the class into teams and review brainstorming guidelines. Ask each team to decide upon both a leader and note-taker. Students will use worksheet to help them brainstorm ideas for a new food product, and decide on one or two to present to class.

 Team leaders will write their team’s best ideas on the board and discuss their merits. After all teams have presented their ideas, the class will come to consensus on the food product they all want to develop.
 Once the new food has been determined, the class should brainstorm a working name for the product. This may change when the final steps have been concluded.

Closing:Why would a food product name change after the final stages of the development?

Differentiation:Groups will develop different food/beverage product.

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