Subject: Food, Nutrition & Wellness (FNW) 1st & 2nd block
Topic: Chapter 3 Food and Culture
Chapter 4 Food and the Marketplace ( Unit 2) Food and Culture
Curriculum standard(s):
Analyze factors that influence food choices and quality of diet.
Essential Question(s)::How does the world around you (socio-economic status, religion, environment, etc.) affect your food choices?
Opening: The Meaning of Food video clip-Geechee Rice
Work Sessions 1st & 2nd block- Present Food and Culture Projects
Students will write down two facts per each presentation.
1st block- Chapter 4
2.Teacher will introduce Chapter 4:
Activator: Students will name some things they like to eat and list their choices on a white board. Then students will imagine that they are living 100 years ago. The class will discuss which of the foods on the board would not have been available, and how the foods that were available would be different from their modern counterparts
3. Students will watch DVD Nutrition: Where does our food come from? Students will complete Video Notes: What I saw/What I heard. *Share responses*
Closing: Presentation Facts.
Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Assignments will be based on
individual student IEP.
Questions/Answers-Whole Group Discussions
Classwork/Handouts Bellworks/TOTDs
Class Activities Food And Culture Project
Unit 2 Test –Chapter 3 and Chapter 4
Subject:Food for Life 4th block
Topic:Chapter 3 How Nutrients Become You
Curriculum standard(s)::HUM-FL-2 Outline the function of the digestive system and absorption process during the lifespan.
Esstential Question(s):
How do you recognize the symptoms and effects of a food allergy or intolerance?
Opening: List two differences between a food allergy and food intolerance.
Work Sessions: 1. Check off all Chapter 3 assignments ( Terms to Know and Review Questions)
Teacher Notes: Introduce activity and provide an example (either by your own creation or from a previous student).Give each student a copy of the Food Allergies and Intolerances Info Poster directions. Review the requirements with the students.
• Materials Needed for Activity:
• poster boards
• markers
• internet access (to research information) [Ipads]
• glue sticks/scissors
• Description of Activity: students will be divided into pairs and assign a food allergy or food intolerance as the subject of their poster. Each poster should include the following items:
a) title
b)common name of allergy/intolerance
c)physiological reasons for allergy/intolerance occurrence
d)signals of the food allergy/intolerance
e)groups at risk
f)medications/available treatments
g) food substitute
h) 3+ tips for avoiding the assigned food
i) 3+ tips for cooking methods that assist in the avoidance of the food
j) pictures
k) recipes that address the food allergy/ intolerance
l) 3 + references of work cited
**Teacher Note: The Food Allergy and Intolerances List Handout may be a good resource to help students to find information.
Presentations start Monday, 2-22-16
Differentiation:Students will work with a partner researching a different food allergy/intolerance.
Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Assignments will be based on
individual student IEP.
•Info-poster Food Allergy/Intolerance
•Chapter 3 Test
Subject: Food Science 3rd block
Topic:Food Evaluation
Curriculum standard(s):
Investigate how and why scientific evaluation of foods is conducted.
Essential Question(s):Why is it important to understand the relationship between food and its appearance, smell, touch (mouthfeel) and taste?
How do sensory evaluation panels test food products?
Students will answer: Compare the taste of the two apple pies (real and imitation) which one would you choose?
Work Sessions: KP assignment due- Food Evaluation
Sensory Lab #2: “Can You Taste Without Your Nose?” Distribute Taste Without Your Nose Activity Worksheet and discuss as a class after completion.
Closing: Closing questions
Specialized Instruction/Modification:
Assignments will be based on
individual student IEP.
Group Project
Dialogue and Discussion
Whole group discussions
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